Our hardware is a unique combination of core automotive technologies, which allows us to address fleet management and aftermarket control system needs in a single, integrated package.

Industries Served

Public Transit

We help transit fleets save money and achieve their environmental goals.

Take control of your fleet: Eliminate idling automatically and use the power of IoT to streamline maintenance.

Private Fleet

Have your policies implemented automatically, and see the savings in real time. Our control unit is installed on your vehicle to manage the engine or auxiliary equipment, and is connected to the internet to track usage and provide other insights.

Our platform can be adjusted to any vehicle type, to ensure that your fleet’s unique issues are addressed.

Custom Solutions

Don’t see your industry above? In addition to our fleet solutions, our technology has wide use cases across industries due to flexible hardware design:

  • Industrial controls and automation
  • Research and development
  • Automotive safety

Get initial prototypes or completed products. If you want to develop the solution yourself, you can also buy our hardware directly.