Unlock Edge Computing with your FlexCase

By Connor Fry Sykora  Nov 7th, 2020

Happy Friday! I wanted to share a quick update on some new features and guides we have been working on to make your experience with the FlexCase even smoother.

The Power of the Onboard Co-Processor

The FlexCase is equipped to use the Raspberry Pi computer in order to communicate between onboard modules, and expand functionality as your project progresses. We have recently written quick guides to get you started connecting to the computer and running your own programs:

If you have ideas for features, please tell us about the problems you are trying to solve. We can quickly help you build it out, which is the beauty of the FlexCase platform.

Calibrate and Visualize your Algorithms Live

Want a quick and easy way to monitor the software running on your FlexCase?  FreeMASTER, developed by NXP, allows you to connect to the FlexCase microprocessor and directly monitor and modify its variables while the processor is running. The streams of variables can be quickly logged and plotted to give you fast feedback on the performance of your system. Visit our tutorial on integrating FreeMASTER with your Simulink models here.

If you are not registered already, create an account on our website here, which will give you full access to the documentation and software resources for the FlexCase. We are constantly working to expand support and features for our customers.

