
This section assumes you have purchased a FlexCase with the Wi-Fi option.

Decide Preferred Wi-Fi Network

To get started with Wi-Fi, we recommend creating a Wi-Fi hotspot with your computer that you will connect to. If you purchased the Wi-Fi option, the FlexCase will be set up to autotmatically connect to a Wi-Fi network with SSID: AudesseTest and password FlexCase. If you do not know how to create a hotspot on mobile or desktop, please follow the steps in here to setup your Wi-Fi hotspot on Windows for initial connection.

We recommend 2.4 GHz for most applications for compatibility

After creating the hotspot, connect to the FlexCase using SSH through the new Wi-Fi connection. See the SSH guide for details.

Connect to New Wi-Fi Network

You may also want to connect the Audesse device to an alternate wireless network, depending on your functionality requirements. From your SSH session, use the following commands depending on your MPU type:

Ensure that the configuration was successful by pinging Google’s DNS server:

Copy to Clipboard

If you need to set up multiple networks, extra options can be configured via the command line (see official guide here)

Packet information should populate if you are connected. The FlexCase may need to be rebooted for the changes to take effect. Power up the FlexCase without a connection to your computer, and attempt to restart your SSH session after about a minute.

  • SmarTTY should have the SSH credentials saved from the last connection
  • The new SSH session over Wifi should behave the same as the wired session

Next Steps

You should be able to flash programs to the microcontroller or otherwise connect to FlexCase as long as your computer is on the same Wi-Fi network. This can allow for installation of the FlexCase in vehicle or experimental apparatus without losing the ability to quickly update or calibrate behavior.


The MPU comes with standard onboard Bluetooth. Please use the default Bluetooth libraries for Linux (such as hcitool, gatttool/bluetoothctl to set up interfaces for your specific application.